1:1 mentorship

The Psychic Arts Academy

Rediscover your innate ability to perceive beyond the physical. Through tailored 1:1 training, communicate with the unseen realms, your soul’s wisdom, the spirits of this land and beyond.Together, we will develop and strengthen your psychic gifts, nurture and expand your intuitive abilities and unveil a whole new dimension of spiritual connection and awareness.

And this isn’t just for development of psychic gifts, but Lauren can also teach you how to set up a safe and sacred healing container where you learn to do your own clearing. She will share the same tools used in the Light Process, teaching you how to navigate the process of soul retrIEval.


clairvoyance / mediumship / channeling

intuitive development

An invitation to remember and honor our innate wisdom..


Intuition acts as our internal compass, guiding us through life's challenges and choices, offering insights that go beyond logical reasoning.


It enhances our decision-making, fosters trust in our instincts, and deepens our connection to ourselves, others, and the world around us. It makes our life better!


It enables us to perceive subtle energies, interpret symbols, and access higher wisdom. Through intuitive development, we can develop a stronger relationship to and embrace our authentic selves.

Harness your Sixth Sense: Awaken the Inner Oracle

At the heart of intuitive development is the recognition that no two journeys are the same. Our collaborative work will be centered around embracing your unique rhythm and understanding how intuition speaks to you specifically. Each step of the way, we will honor your unique needs, strengths, and areas of growth and the exercises and practices given will be thoughtfully channeled and tailored specifically for you.

intuitive mastery

Reclaiming our birthright of intuitive development is essential for living a fulfilling and authentic life.

Intuitive development is not just a skill to acquire; it is an inherent birthright that we all possess. It is an innate ability woven into the very fabric of our being. Throughout history, humans have relied on their intuition to navigate the complexities of life, make decisions, and connect with the world around them. However, in the hustle and bustle of modern society over many lifetimes, this natural gift has gotten overshadowed or neglected. You will discover the art of listening to your inner voice, interpreting subtle signs, and trusting your instincts with unwavering confidence. Learn to discern between the whispers of your soul and the noise of the external world.

"Intuition is the key to unlocking the doorways of perception, allowing us to see beyond the limitations of the physical realm and access the infinite realms of knowledge and wisdom."

intuitive development offered:

Let’s work together.

You’ve got options! Choose between a single psychic development session or purchase a package of four or six sessions. Through a series of sessions, we will progress through various techniques, exercises, and topics to gradually enhance your psychic abilities and deepen your spiritual connection. This package provides a more comprehensive and immersive experience for your psychic development journey.

If you are facing fears, traumas, or blocks that are impacting your intuition, the Light Process can provide valuable support. In the Psychic Arts Academy, the focus is on practice and exercises to develop and enhance your intuitive abilities, rather than specifically addressing emotional turmoil or deep-rooted traumas.


  • We enter into a container together, where my team is in direct communication with yours and you are under my protection. In addition, you will have support via Voxer, where we can communicate and I can give support and clarity between sessions if questions arise.

    When you sign up, you will receive a code to book the 4 or 6 sessions which you will do intuitively. It will depend on how much time you need between sessions for integration and practice before we continue to build.

    In the first session, we will get a better idea of your gifts and lay the path and plan for our work together.

  • Yes, psychic abilities can be learned and developed with practice, guidance, and a willingness to explore and trust one's intuitive capabilities. We all have the ability to access our intuition and it is innate within us — it’s just a process of remembrance and removing limiting beliefs or traumas preventing us from doing so.

  • No prior experience or specific abilities are required to join psychic development classes. They are open to individuals of all backgrounds and levels of experience. Beginners are often welcome, and the classes are designed to support each participant's growth at their own pace.

  • This package is not a certification, but I am more than happy to work with you to develop your abilities and take you through the process of holding space in a session (and after care.) Send me a message if you’re interested in this and if you want to learn to read the Akashic Records, I teach twice a year! Sign up for the newsletter to stay up to date with class dates.